.01 Google Analytics

Understanding Data Analysis and Reports in Google Analytics

Google Analytics is one of the premier tools for analysing web traffic data. Understanding how this tool works can be a source of great possibilities. Google Analytics gives you access to an abundance of data. You can see where your visitors are coming from, what content is popular and whether your website is working well for you. Understanding website traffic statistics is important in every business today and understanding this tool makes one a more competitive employee or entrepreneur.

.02 HTML5, CSS3 and JavaScript

Diploma in HTML5, CSS3 and JavaScript.
The course Diploma in HTML5, CSS3 and JavaScript introduces you to the three main languages all web developers must learn:
•HTML5 which is used to define the content of web pages
•CSS3 which is used to specify the layout and style of web pages
•JavaScript which is used program the behavior of web pages

.03 Content Marketing

HubSpot Academy content Marketing Certification
The HubSpot Academy Content Marketing Certification course covers the fundamentals of content marketing. This course teaches one how to build scalable, repeatable processes for creating and promoting content that converts leads into new customers. This course gives expert tactics for efficiently building a content library, and extracting more value from every content asset one creates.

.04 Marketing Your Business Online

Understanding the fundamentals of marketing your business online.

In the current difficult economic times businesses need to take advantage of every opportunity to maximise their marketing presence to as many potential customers as is possible. The most efficient way of doing this is to implement a highly effective online marketing strategy. This course increases ones knowledge and understanding of what online marketing involves and how to go about implementing a successful online marketing strategy. The course shows how to build an online marketing plan, promote your business online, and improve your Website landing page for greater customer conversion rates. The course then shows in detail how to use Google marketing tools such as Google Analytics and Google AdWords to implement an online marketing strategy. One learns how to set up a Google AdWords account, how to write ads that attract customers, how to choose the right keywords, and budget for your online advertising.

.05 Social Media Marketing

Diploma in Social Media Marketing
Learn about the key techniques for integrating social media platforms into your e-commerce website to drive customer awareness of your brand and increase sales. One learns about the key concepts relevant to social media and the considerations that need to be made for engaging with social media. A person learns about the different types of social media and their benefits and the different ways for preparing and sharing social media content. Plus, one learns how to meaningfully measure social media engagement using platforms such as Twitter, Facebook, blogs, LinkedIn, YouTube and their useful features.

.06 Digital Photography

Harvard Business Digital Photography
Originally an online course at Harvard, one learns everything he needs to know to master the art and craft of great digital photography. One becomes better acquainted with the basic features of digital cameras and learn how each plays a role in creating great photographs. Using non-technical language the course explains what each of the buttons on a digital camera does and how these functions can be adjusted, what the differences between full frame and crop sensors are, and how digital photographs are captured and processed into file formats such as RAW and jpeg