Behind every great home is a great plan

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How do you expand your sales in markets that are saturated with your product? In the two markets we were either number one or two with little room to grow. Expanding to other markets would be difficult in that fixed costs for rent and payroll to run the office would be high. Plus, it would be difficult to find a person to run each office.


A mail order division of the store was developed. This division was to be run separately from the local offices with different pricing structure and limiting exposure to the home state.

We created a different look with a different logo. We reworked the plans, brochures, and plan books to have the new logo and look.

Builders in the southeast were mailed plan books with our pricing schedule. The difference between us and other mail order houses like Frank Betz, Stephen Fuller etc. was the we would gladly make modifications to our plans so that the builder would get something that would work in his market.

Web site, toll free number etc. were set up to make communicating easier for customers with the modifications on their plans.

Home shows in many larger markets were worked to spread our exposure to builders and people (including the International Home Show). The final part was to have our plans published in the plan books, with the hope of getting into magazines like Country Living (to give our plans national exposure).